How dare you! - Okudzeto Ablakwa loses cool on live TV over threats by Service Ghana Auto

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Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, was left infuriated by the wording of the response by the Service Ghana Auto Group Limited (SGAGL) to the litany of allegations he ha..

“I want to begin by condemning this statement from Service Ghana Group Auto Limited. Those who run this company should be told in very clear terms that they cannot intimidate anybody in this country.

They are not allowed to use such words on the media and members of Parliament carrying out their constitutional mandate and on the Ghanaian people. We are talking about $108 million cumulatively. You have come into the public space using our taxes, and as citizens, we are raising fundamental issues, and how dare you issue such a threat. All of that is total balderdash and hogwash. How dare you issue such a threat?

“They think they can intimidate duly elected members of Parliament? They think we were voted into Parliament to drink tea and cross our legs and watch as people dupe the republic? They should not annoy us at all. I am totally outraged by this statement,” he said.

Later in the day, Okudzeto Ablakwa issued a new set of documents in response to the claims made by the company in reply to his revelations.

“Service Ghana Auto Group Limited’s statement deliberately failed to respond to the politically exposed status of a key director, Stephen Okoro, who is not only a close business partner of the President’s daughters, Gyankroma Akufo-Addo and Edwina Akufo-Addo, as irrefutably demonstrated with official incorporation documents of SFO Initiatives Limited, Goodbox Limited, and Good Grow Limited.

“SGAGL was also disingenuously silent on Stephen Okoro’s familial ties with the presidential family, having fathered a grandchild of the President with the President’s daughter. Politically exposed persons always come under greater scrutiny in the fight against corruption as they can unduly influence procurement processes, abuse due process, and orchestrate unconscionable payment terms in their favor, as we have seen in this transaction,” he wrote.

The North Tongu legislator also pointed out that Service Ghana Auto’s claim that it submitted a bid for the contract in 2018 cannot be true because it was registered in 2020.

“From the statement of Service Ghana Auto Group Limited, it purportedly participated in a competitive procurement process by the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives from 15th November 2018 as a consortium of 7 companies. Instructively, this consortium could not have existed in 2018 and 2019 as unimpeachable records at the Registrar of Companies reveal that Service Ghana Auto Group Limited was incorporated much later, specifically on April 24, 2020.”

He also said that the company’s explanation that it was part of a consortium of seven companies awarded the contract cannot be true because most of the companies were established in 2017 and had no experience in procuring and servicing ambulances.

“Claims by SGAGL that it’s a consortium which leveraged the expertise and resources of its companies in the procurement of ambulances is most laughable and ridiculous. Incorporation records show that at least 5 of the 7 companies were hurriedly incorporated between April and September 2017. None of the companies had any expertise or track record in procuring and servicing ambulances.

“The evidence speaks for itself: BEFT Engineering was incorporated on April 20, 2017 primarily to carry out construction, renovation, civil engineering works, and electrical engineering works; Elok Consult was incorporated on July 25, 2017 to carry out management consultancy, civil works, roads, and building construction; Prestige Era Company Limited was incorporated on April 19, 2017 with its objects being to carry out general supply, road and building construction, oil and gas products dealer, transport, and haulage.

“None of these companies had expertise in ambulance procurement and after-sales maintenance. This must explain why the Auditor-General exposed SGAGL for using staff of the National Ambulance Service for their maintenance contract.”

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